...I don't make it easy!"
I am not creative so yes, I let song lyrics head up my posts. It is easier. Otherwise, they would all be title-less. Much like all my emails are subject-less- I sit and think for like 10 minutes only to discover I can't figure out any relevant subject lines that don't sound dumb as bricks and then just send it.
Anyhow, as I have previously mentioned- I am a working girl again... well not a "working girl" but a girl who has a job. It is a legitimate job. I feel like I should distinguish between the two just to avoid any awkward conversations later :) But I digress, so I have broadened my horizons and met new people and feel like I should make a "who I am" post to allow people to delve into the REAL me.
1. I am loud. I can't help it. I do not have an "indoor voice" I am not yelling (well some of the time). I am just speaking and it is loud. I can't help it. Thank my Daddy for that one.
2. You will know when I am yelling. There are 2 types though: I am either yelling AT you (which means you have done something to warrant said yelling) or I am yelling TOWARD you (this means you are not the one warranting the yelling however I am angry and cannot express said anger without yelling. Fix the problem though)
3. I am Italian and I don't like sausage. Get over it.
4. I cry. A lot. If I am happy: I cry. If I am sad: I cry. If I am frustrated: I cry. It just happens.
5. I have ZERO control over my emotions. I can't help it. I wear my heart on my sleeve and cannot "just get over it" or "forget about it".
6. There comes a point between frustration and blowing up anger in which I begin to shake and I cry (SHOCKER!!) at this point 1 of 2 things can happen- As a friend, you can talk to me and allow me to vent and work my way back down the pissed off ladder OR I can continue to go up the pissed off ladder and will inevitably end up saying and/or doing something someone will regret (not me- I never regret anything I do but someone will :P ) Thanks Mommy :)
7. My favorite color is green (threw ya off didn't it)
8. I love Country Music ! The good stuff though- 90s songs. Even Tim McGraw has pissed me off selling out with his newest song. I refuse to listen to the entire thing after hearing him say something about his ipod "bumping" in the first 30 seconds of the song.
9. I love hoodies! Give me a hoodie and I will be your best friend. Leave a hoodie at my house- suck it up buttercup you ain't getting that back. (unless it is a team other than WVU, OSU, or the Steelers. If that is the case it will get burned)
10. I shoot guns. I love it. And, I am pretty darn good at it. If New York didn't have stupid ass gun laws I would shoot every week. Stupid New York
11. I love food. I eat a lot. I am also 27 and have heard every "geesh you need to eat" or "what do you eat an m&m a day??" joke out there. I can't help my size/weight. One day it will all catch up to me and I will be 300 pounds of blubber because I will never change my eating ways. Hence why my butt has become ginormous.
12. I am addicted to Dr. Pepper. This is another way to win my friendship. Give me Dr. Pepper. I drink it all damn day long. I blame my parents for not allowing me to drink soda growing up. (Sorry Mom and Dad- didn't want to sell you out but this can't possibly be my fault. I refuse to admit it.)
13. I am stubborn. I am also always right. You can't make me believe other wise. If I tell you that I was/am wrong you better revel in it and enjoy because it is rare. This is not cocky- it is stubborn. Hence why I chose the song lyrics I did for my title (It all makes sense now doesn't it!!!!!!)
14. I fight hard, but I love harder. I will do anything and everything for anyone I care about. It is my nature. However, I am not stupid. Do not use me or treat me poorly. I have dealt with it most of my life and am finally at the point where I can and will stand up for myself.
and the number 15 thing you should know about me is..... *drum roll please*.................
.............................................chicken............... wait what was I talking about?
Oh .... yeah! Number 15- I get distracted easily sometimes. It happens. Things pop in my head (often times it will see super random to you but to me somehow and someway it connected to what I was just saying/doing). Doesn't mean I don't care. Just means I am a little slow... LOL just kidding. Sort of.
so to my old friends- if you think of something relevant that someone needs to know about me post it (but it better not be embarrassing, refer back to points 2 and 6). And to the new ones- hang on- it's a crazy ride being friends with me. I actually sort of feel sorry for you .... haha... just kidding................ or am I????? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN