Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"I will follow him....

... follow him wherever he may go!"

So the Army gave us quite the surprise: We are PCSing! So you get to follow me through the madness of an Army Permanent Change of Station! (Lucky you!) Mind you- this means several new posts over the next few weeks!

Step One: find out you are moving! Shock sets in and the first thing you do is run right to the computer, fire up Google, and search the web for any and all information you can find. I always look at a PCS as the start of a new adventure. Yeah, there are always things that I look around and know I will miss terribly. 

Like the Fluffernutter's Dance Studio. There will never, ever be a studio that can compare to Rhonda's Footeworks. Miss Teri and Miss Rhonda have helped Aiden grow and develop in ways that have made her shine. They have been there for her and helped her grow into a beautiful butterfly and show her how to use her wings. No one will ever match that. They have seen me cry my hardest in joy watching her on stage. Losing that studio is probably one of the hardest sacrifices of this move. *tear*

BUT- we will survive. I have done research daily. Whether it be about the schools, the housing, whether there is a Mexican food joint (yes, I ALWAYS have food on the brain), etc. I can't help but look for as much information as possible. It helps me not be shell shocked. 

After you find out you are moving then you have to do the hardest part of a move: informing everyone that, yes AGAIN, we are moving. I don't know why I continue to have return address labels made. I have never, ever run out of an address label. I have to chuck them after we move. 3 sets of labels down and you would think I would learn my lesson. Probably not, I am too lazy to write out a whole return address portion on an envelope. 

But I digress, I cheated this time. We called parents and a few friends (and my boss) After they all knew I just blasted it on Facebook. It was like ripping a band-aid off- fast and furious. 

Step three: Purge. This is the time where you go through the entire house and chuck anything and everything you can. The Army has this fun trick where they move you, but you have to make sure you don't have too much stuff or you have to pay. Fun huh? So you go through the house and toss/sell anything you can. Mostly I go "hmm have I used this since I unpacked it from the last move" Granted there are also those things that you couldn't use, but are saving just in case you can use them in the next house. Like curtains. We bought these curtains 2 houses ago. We haven't used them since that house because the houses have had those blinds that stick out from the window. BUT I don't want to get rid of the curtains, because I don't want to buy new ones later down the line. Thus is the battle between purging the clutter and my cheapness. :P 

So, while I continue sorting the house and doing research, we now wait until Zack goes to his briefing next week where he finds out exactly when he is to be at the new post. So until then... I bid you farewell kind sir!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"These are some good times So take a good look around....

.... You may not know it now But you're gonna miss this"

Ahh Trace Adkins how you make my spine chill with one simple song. 

  My inspiration for this dandy read comes from events that transpired yesterday. 

Aiden: "There is a girl on the bus who says she loves Trey"

Trey: (In the LOUDEST possible kid voice ever) "SHE IS LYING!!!!!!!" and then he immediately burst into tears. Not whimpers. Full fledged crying. 

Now- this child is my carbon copy. Face it- if you read my last post you already see that. (And if you didn't go do it NOW!) I remember hiding in closets because my parents picked on my about boys. But I hadn't even said a word to the child and he was in hysterics. I had to calm my poor 7 year old son down who was being completely unreasonable (don't even say it. I AM NOT unreasonable!) He was just adamant that it was impossible for anyone to love him (besides family love) and it was so traumatic that he was going to continue crying to prove that it was not happening. Now it wasn't depressed 'no one loves me'- it was an "aw hell naw better not be loving me" attitude. But with tears. 

I gave him the "oh son you are good looking it was bound to happen" shpiel. "NOOOO SHE IS LYING IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!" 

Hmm. so I tried the just-be-cocky-and-play-it-cool route: "Just say 'I know' and walk away if someone says they love you. 

10 minutes of hysterics passed to no avail.... and then finally I had to tell my son: 

"It is ok son nobody loves you so don't worry about it" 

Lines you NEVER imagined having to say for $800 Alex. 

That was the only thing to make him stop freaking out. Motherhood is hard! Seriously I am completely winging it anymore. I pull some from what I remember from my parent's: "BECAUSE I SAID SO THAT'S WHY!!!!" (I don't care who you are and what you think- if you have not said it to your child yet it WILL happen. Because face it, they have way more energy and keep it up way longer than your energy and your patience will last) lines like that creep up often. Or better yet, how I can say "I will not say/do ______ to my child!" and then find myself days/years/or months doing what I swore up and down I wouldn't do. For example. When Trey was just a tot I made a huge deal about how I would never tell my children to shut up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah I am sorry but sometimes saying "Be quiet" is not enough. Especially when you are on the phone trying to have the most important phone call of your life and they are running up the walls screeching like wild banshees (don't laugh Mom). 

So yeah. That happened. 

Parenting Fail #3435468

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"I'm hard to love, hard to love...

...I don't make it easy!"

  I am not creative so yes, I let song lyrics head up my posts. It is easier. Otherwise, they would all be title-less. Much like all my emails are subject-less- I sit and think for like 10 minutes only to discover I can't figure out any relevant subject lines that don't sound dumb as bricks and then just send it.

Anyhow, as I have previously mentioned- I am a working girl again... well not a "working girl" but a girl who has a job. It is a legitimate job. I feel like I should distinguish between the two just to avoid any awkward conversations later :) But I digress, so I have broadened my horizons and met new people and feel like I should make a "who I am" post to allow people to delve into the REAL me. 

1. I am loud. I can't help it. I do not have an "indoor voice" I am not yelling (well some of the time). I am just speaking and it is loud. I can't help it. Thank my Daddy for that one. 

2. You will know when I am yelling. There are 2 types though: I am either yelling AT you (which means you have done something to warrant said yelling) or I am yelling TOWARD you (this means you are not the one warranting the yelling however I am angry and cannot express said anger without yelling. Fix the problem though) 

3. I am Italian and I don't like sausage. Get over it. 

4. I cry. A lot. If I am happy: I cry. If I am sad: I cry. If I am frustrated: I cry. It just happens. 

5. I have ZERO control over my emotions. I can't help it. I wear my heart on my sleeve and cannot "just get over it" or "forget about it". 

6. There comes a point between frustration and blowing up anger in which I begin to shake and I cry (SHOCKER!!) at this point 1 of 2 things can happen- As a friend, you can talk to me and allow me to vent and work my way back down the pissed off ladder OR I can continue to go up the pissed off ladder and will inevitably end up saying and/or doing something someone will regret (not me- I never regret anything I do but someone will :P ) Thanks Mommy :) 

7. My favorite color is green (threw ya off didn't it) 

8. I love Country Music ! The good stuff though- 90s songs. Even Tim McGraw has pissed me off selling out with his newest song. I refuse to listen to the entire thing after hearing him say something about his ipod "bumping" in the first 30 seconds of the song. 

9. I love hoodies! Give me a hoodie and I will be your best friend. Leave a hoodie at my house- suck it up buttercup you ain't getting that back. (unless it is a team other than WVU, OSU, or the Steelers. If that is the case it will get burned)

10. I shoot guns. I love it. And, I am pretty darn good at it. If New York didn't have stupid ass gun laws I would shoot every week. Stupid New York

11. I love food. I eat a lot. I am also 27 and have heard every "geesh you need to eat" or "what do you eat an m&m a day??" joke out there. I can't help my size/weight. One day it will all catch up to me and I will be 300 pounds of blubber because I will never change my eating ways. Hence why my butt has become ginormous. 

12. I am addicted to Dr. Pepper. This is another way to win my friendship. Give me Dr. Pepper. I drink it all damn day long. I blame my parents for not allowing me to drink soda growing up. (Sorry Mom and Dad- didn't want to sell you out but this can't possibly be my fault. I refuse to admit it.) 

13. I am stubborn. I am also always right. You can't  make me believe other wise. If I tell you that I was/am wrong you better revel in it and enjoy because it is rare. This is not cocky- it is stubborn. Hence why I chose the song lyrics I did for my title (It all makes sense now doesn't it!!!!!!) 

14. I fight hard, but I love harder. I will do anything and everything for anyone I care about. It is my nature. However, I am not stupid. Do not use me or treat me poorly. I have dealt with it most of my life and am finally at the point where I can and will stand up for myself. 

and the number 15 thing you should know about me is..... *drum roll please*.................

.............................................chicken............... wait what was I talking about? 

Oh .... yeah! Number 15- I get distracted easily sometimes. It happens. Things pop in my head (often times it will see super random to you but to me somehow and someway it connected to what I was just saying/doing). Doesn't mean I don't care. Just means I am a little slow... LOL just kidding. Sort of. 

so to my old friends- if you think of something relevant that someone needs to know about me post it (but it better not be embarrassing, refer back to points 2 and 6). And to the new ones- hang on- it's a crazy ride being friends with me. I actually sort of feel sorry for you .... haha... just kidding................ or am I????? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


Friday, September 7, 2012

"Today the sun is shinin’ on me...

 ...Sitting with my feet in the breeze Ain’t sweating the little things And who knows what tomorrow is gonna bring But today, the sun, shinin’ on me"

I was told today that people are missing my blog posts. If you didn't know I deleted the one I had previously because I was sure no one was reading it and now I am sad that I didn't back it up. But alas, that is how I roll. Doing dumb things I regret months later :P 

There have been a few changes in the Cunningham household- I am a working woman now! (*cha-ching*) I have a full time supervisory position and while it is crazy a lot of the times, I love it. I feel like I do the job well and since I am a pro at rolling with the punches, I can do other jobs too just as well. I have made a lot of bomb diggity friends since I started. They are crazy and I heart them. They make the job as awesome as it it. BUT with the long hours, I have had to step down as an FRG Leader (which by the way I got 4 awards for this summer!!) because, unlike many people think, the job does require a lot of attention and I just cant give that time to the FRG when I would rather give it to my family. 

The kids started school this week! *eep!! Miss Aiden (or fluffer nutter as I like to call her) started KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!! And it kills me knowing nothing about her day. I mean I get "I had a peanut butter sandwich" and "we sang a song but I don't know it" and that is about the extent of it. But she is loving it and that is all that matters. 
Trey-bug- begged me to stay home the second day. Actually his exact words were "But you never let me stay home!!" Kid- you were home for 3 months. Suck it up, buttercup. 

So this is my short "I'm Back' posting! Will get back to ya soon!!